April 2008 Arts Happenings
compiled by
Corrie Scott
Lancaster Great House, St James The Galleries at Lancaster Great House are now available for viewing from Monday to Friday between 9 am till 4pm Monday to Friday and weekends by prior arrangement (tel 4320458/ 2342494) Please phone to confirm dates of shows.
'The 2008 Spring Show' featuring artists: Virginia Trieloff, Cathy Cummins, Oliver Messel , Corrie Scott , Heather-Dawn Scott, Heidi Berger, Vanita Commissiong, Bill Grace, Clare Soffietti, Raymond Bancroft, Peter Springer, Margaret Rodriguez, Hedy Klineman, Simon Foster . Exhibition Opens Friday April 4th . To view images from this exhibition please click on: http://picasaweb.google.com/corriescott/The2008SpringShow
Artist’s Club Meeting will take place at Lancaster on Tuesday April 18th. Sarah Venable will be hosting with monochromatic reverse stencilly monoprints., from 6.30pm onward. Those who would like to renew their yearly membership will be able to pay their Bds$50.- to treasurer, Rosie Hartmann. Non-members and guests will be charged a $10.- contribution towards the club's expenses. As usual, donations of food and drinks for "Buffet & Bar" are appreciated.
Tides Art Gallery ( new works from Arthur Atkinson and Heather-Dawn Scott) at The Tides Restaurant, Holetown, St James. A vibrant group show of local fine art and photography, plus a wonderful collection of fine art from Trinidad, Canouan and St Lucia. Open 7 days a week, 9am - 11pm. Tel (246) 432 8356 or email thetidesrest@sunbeach.net
#17 Art Gallery
Artist Corrie Scott's studio/gallery . Original fine art and photography, limited edition offset lithographic reproductions, prints and cards. From $5 up . Pavilion Court, Hastings , Church Church . Original fine art and photography, limited edition offset lithographic reproductions, prints and cards. From $5 up. Tel (246) 424 3965 or 233 6078 , email: corriescott46@hotmail.com for viewing appointment (as Corrie may be out painting or photographing). website http://www.corriescott.net/
Zemicon Gallery
March 23rd (Easter Sunday): opening of Secret Garden, recent flower-paintings by Tracey Williams (opening reception from 6:30-8:30). Show runs until April 11th.
April 20th is the opening of "Baptism by Fire" - an exhibition of Raku Ceramics by Juliana Inniss
James Fort Building , Hincks Street, Bridgetown Email; zemicon@caribsurf.com tel: 430 0054 or 432 0222 opening hours: Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: 10-4 Wednesday: 10-2 .
Barbados Arts Council
Winslow Philips will host a solo show from April 6th to 19th. Also available is a large selection of limited editions, lithographs and cards. From $15Bds up. Pelican Craft Centre, Bridgetown (246) 426 4385. Also a large selection of limited editions, lithographs and cards. From $15Bds up. Website http://bacnews.mysite.orange.co.uk/
Italia Coffee House, Sunset Crest. Mini gallery with local artwork. Bagnall's Point Gallery Pelican Craft Village (246) 228-5820.
Frank Collymore Hall & Grand Salle
March 30 Nigerian Sculpture and Art Exhibition. Grande Salle. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Featuring works of George Tuaton, Nigeria
'Macbeth'. With sets designed by artist Mar Tina Pile. The 2 last performances will take place at 8pm, on April 12th and at 2pm on April 13th at the Frank Collymore Hall. The play which is produced by the 'Gale Theatre of London and Barbados' and directed by international director Glen Walford, features an exceptional cast of English and Barbadian Actors.
April 15th BCC 40th Anniversary: Lecture Series. Grande Salle 7:30 p.m. Barbados Community College – Liberal Arts Division. The public is invited. Speaker: Mr. Trevor Marshall, Historian. Topic: “Genesis & Development of the College”
April 22nd BCC 40th Anniversary: Lecture Series. Grande Salle 7:30 p.m.Barbados Community College – Liberal Arts Division. The public is invitedSpeaker: Senator Orlando Marville Topic: “Globalization & the Role of BCC”
April 29th BCC 40th Anniversary: Lecture Series. Grande Salle 7:30 p.m.Barbados Community College – Liberal Arts Division. The public is invitedTopic: “Education & Culture”. Lecturer: Mr. George Lamming
National Cultural Foundation ( see Queen’s Park Gallery)
Queen’s Park Gallery
'Unveiled':a retrospective exhibition of the work of Denyse Menard-Greenidge at the Queen's Park Gallery in Queen's Park on Constitution Road in Bridgetown. This intriguing exhibition represents her explorations over the past thirty years. The work is sensitive, delicate, yet vigorous all at once. The exhibition closes on April 5th.QPG tel.# 427-2345. Gallery opening hours are Mon-Sat. 10am to 6pm. QPG tel.#427-2345
‘A Point Of View’ Barbados Photo Club. Opening night April 16th. 6.30pm. Group Show featuring Leslie Taylor, Dr Raymond Maughn, Rasheed Boodhoo, Ansley Weekes and Winston EdghillQPG tel.# 427-2345. Gallery opening hours are Mon-Sat. 10am to 6pm. QPG tel.#427-2345
Gang of 4 Gallery ,The Cottage , Springvale Plantation .St. Andrew . tel 438 7883.
On The Wall 1. at Champers Restaurant, South Coast . 2. On The Wall at Earthworks in St Thomas. 3. The Gallery at Southsea, The Restaurant at Southsea , St Lawrence Gap, Christ Church. http://www.onthewallartgallery.com/
Fine Art Framing Limited Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados - (246) 426-5325
Constant Gallery Fine Art for floors and walls is a unique gallery offering sculpture, fine art and a diverse range of investment quality Persian carpets....situated on Hwy 4 between Bulkely Factory and the Essco roundabout. (By appointment only) , Christopher Robinson (246) 429 2654 and 232 7830. email: tradersrealty@caribsurf.com
Waterfront Café , Bridgetown. Please phone for details of what is on.
Gallery of Caribbean Art
‘Blooms’ an exhibition of paintings of women and flowers by Heidi Berger. Sunday March 30, 2008, 11am – 2 pm. The exhibition will continue until April 18, 2008.
Denzil Manns will be featured at the gallery at The Hilton Hotel, South Coast
Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination. The EBCCI has a continuous programme with fine art, theatre, music, poetry, lectures, workshops etc. Gallery opening hours 10:00am – 4:00pm weekdays or by appointment. Please contact 417-4776 or email cspringer@uwichill.edu.bb or dsquires@uwichill.edu.bb . Their website www.cavehill.uwi.edu/ebcci/
Frangipani Art Gallery, Sugar Cane Club, Hotel and Spa, St. Peter phone (246) 422 5026 http://www.frangipani-art.com/
The Audio Visual Aids Department in Association with the Collectors Club. Seeing Art DVD Television Series Workshop . April 7 . April 8. April 9
From 9.00 to 1.00 at AVAD Training Room . Invites Art and Craft Teachers To Register To Attend One Session Only. Primary School Teachers From Classes 1 To 4 . All Secondary School Teachers
Register Now! Call 430 2842, 430 2895, 436 8547 (Arlette evenings). Come and enjoy a fun filled, exciting, interactive, action packed day! Facilitators Dr Hugh Corbin, Janice Whittle, Arlette St.Hill
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